About Me

Alberta, Canada
What's My Deal? - - - There is so much to say, but I will give you the basics in regards to this blog. I am a Canadian 20 something woman married to a wonderful man, and we are the parents to our wondeful son who was born in the fall of 2010. As you will read, I am a supporter of breastfeeding, baby wearing, co-sleeping, cloth diapering, and so much more, but mostly learning about babies! Oh, and I also love reading blogs and playing jigsaw online!!! I blog to share things that I have learned, read, heard and experienced.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I connected at "Mommy Connections"

One of my many fears while being pregnant included being at home alone with a baby all the time.  I am such a social person, how could I possible handle the adjustment to not working and not being with other adults?  Wouldn't I go crazy?  After mentioning this to some other mommies, they suggested I join a post natal moms group, which sounded like a lot of fun, and a nice weekly getaway!  I was excited to get out of my pj's, do my hair, make up and choose a cute outfit for both me and baby. 

I decided to start looking for one.  This did not come without many challenges.  There were so many, some far, some close, some free, some had a fee, some in houses, some in cafes, some for babies, some for kids, some with structure, some without.  I ended up not choosing one, as I basically wasn't able to choose or bother with contacting people.  For a couple they had you fill out forms and almost be accepted. 

I was in a restaurant one day, when I was talking to another mom there.  She mentioned she went to Mommy Connections.  As quickly as she mentioned it, I inhaled my burrito, grabbed my baby and went home to google this group.  Well, was I suprised! I could apply online, and the application was just my contact information.  There were several locations in the city that had the same program, so naturally I chose the one closest to me!  Now, to wait for the following Monday.

I loved that every session, we started out talking about our babies and anything that had happened in the last week.  Babies learn so much everyday, so there was always something for all of us to share. Actually it was one Monday morning at MC that my baby fully learned to roll over, maybe watching the other babes insipried him.  I also liked that the days were structured.  I didnt want a moms group at a coffee house because what if I didn't click with the other moms there, I would have to sit in silence and just wait. Well, knowing me, there would never be silence, but I wanted structure.  I wanted to learn while socilaizing.  Mommy Connections offered this.

The days were all the same in structure.  We had 2 presenters each Monday for 8 weeks.  Some of the topics included Itnellidance Babies, First Aid, a lacatation consultant, Kindermusik, introducing solids, Discovery Toys, and infant massage, sleep, just to name a few. One of my favourite sessions was when the North Edmonton Mommy Connections Director, and Tiny Gems consultant Lyndal spoke about cloth diapering and baby wearing.  Those are 2 things I am passionate about so it was great to learn lots and chat with other moms about it.  She also did a demonstration on different baby carriers.  Oh, and we had a professional photographer from Island in the Mist Photograhy come in and take "Mom and Baby" Photos.  She did a wonderful job, the photos are amazing!

The location was great, especially if you had other children, they could play at Gymboree and have fun for the full 90 minutes, while the moms and babies all sat together.

I have made several friends through Mommy Connections, who I will keep in touch with. They were down-to-earth women who were all there for the same reason.  One thing that stuck out the most in my mind was that for the most part we all breastfed.  Even though breastfeeding is so natural and best for baby, some people do not like to see you do this in public.  It was great to sit and breastfeed with sometimes 10 women....AT ONCE!!!

I enjoyed this program so much that I joined again.  I decided to try a different location so that I could meet new women and hear some different presenters.  It is great to get out once a week and see the same people, get to know them and their babies.  We have a common bond in the fact that we are raising our little babes.  I have great friends outside of Mommy Connections, but those without children, or with older children simply cannot relate to me right now, and sometimes it is just nice to talk to someone who is going through the same changes in life as yourself. When we were learning about sleep, we got to ask questions to the presenter, and one mom turned to me and said "I'm glad it's not just me!"  Sometimes it is reassuring to know you aren't the only one who is having challenges or joys, and sharing it can mean so much.  It is also exciting that my 5 month old baby has friends!!!!  Today at Mommy Connections, he even held hands with a little girl....uh oh, now I am in trouble!!!

1 comment:

  1. Randi, I really enjoyed reading your blog write up! This is why I love being involved in Mommy Connections and knowing that Moms are finding support, reassurance and enjoyment through our programs is so wonderful to hear about. Thanks for being part of our program!
